Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Tasting Bouquet

As I write this it is 85 degrees outside.  Winged seeds are floating thickly past the window.  The birds are singing madly.  All breathes of life, soaring into being.  And not June yet!

This is a bouquet I made for a tasting at Rayr Wine in Rockport.

And, as always, more goodbyes.  Goodbye to the lilacs!

purple sensation allium

This morning I saw little flower buds forming on the lilies.  And the dahlias are starting to sprout all over the garden.  So many more flowers to come...

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Here is a mostly wild Mother's Day bouquet I made for my mother.

and many soon-to-be-flowers
purple sensation allium is next
allium and lillies
allium, yarrow and echinacea

Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbye Tulips!

It is time to say goodbye to the tulips.  These things are hard for me, but it is the way of the garden, and there are so many more beautiful things to come.  Next in line are Purple Sensation Allium and Dutch Irises.
Today my friend Diantha came to help me do some weeding and mulching.  It was breezy so the black flies weren't too bad, which is to say we lasted four hours before loosing our minds and fleeing to the car.  While I am always sorry to see any of the flowers go by, I will not miss the black flies.  Begone!
lily flowering tulips blowing in the breeze
the spring garden wakes

a bucket of mini mother's day bouquets for Dot's in Lincolnville

the lovely Diantha lends a hand